UK question: What the most number of Mr Kipling cakes you've eaten in a whole day?!
Answers: I've just had the whole box of 6. Am I a greedy pig?
Once upon a time 10- 15 Years ago I demolished a Box of Mr Kipling Apple Tarts the Small ones I think there was 5 or 6 in the Box and I was Violently Sick Afterwards. There seemed to be a lot of Fat or Grease in them Butter or Something, I could Taste it in my Throat and Stomach for Hours afterwards and Vomited up all over the Place. I do not eat Cakes anymore, as I am trying to Maintain my Weight at a Healthy Level. I have developed a small Spare Tyre over the Years and want to lose it, and so I eat plenty of Fruit and Veg now and not much Meat and do not go near Cakes.
None !!
Aunt Bessie RULES!!!!!! RULES I TELL YA !!!!!!!!
6 also but i have a feeling there is gonna be few gluttons who've had more lol
pig?i dont think so..just weak to the temptation
i ate 2 boxes of six of those ones in pink yellow and brown once.those were the days.later on that day was not the days :(
2-boxes of bakewell tarts! Making me feel ill just remembering!
If you are, so am I! They can't be left to go off, now, can they?
It depends which cakes they were! Now 6 of the quite moreish carrot and walnut cakes definitely isn't greedy - nope not at all! lol:-D They could have gone off overnight and I don't know about you but I absolutely hate to waste stuff.
A box of french fancies for breakfast and a box of mini victoria sponges for lunch...
WHAT!?... theyre tastey...
... hey! you try finding the time to make a decent meal watching lord of the rings eh!
Lol, i've had a box of 6 as well. Not tonight though, that was 2 weeks ago. It's not cos we're greedy, it's cos they're too good.
none as i dont eat cakes.