Where can i get some Blue peas from, Mrs Tutu keeps giving me green ones?!
Night. :o))
Answers: Well see a here a. The peas you get are green a peas a because a Mrs. a Tutu a piss on them . They blue to start with, then she pee a yellow on them then a they turn a green a. Tell her to keep a her piss a to herself a and a there you a go. Blue Peas.
Night. :o))
I never heard of blue peas. Who's Mrs. Tutu? Are you serious about this? I'm curious because I have never seen a blue pea and I grew up on a huge farm where we grew all kinds of vegetables, but never blue peas. Doesn't sound very appetizing either,
i a send a you some a for a filling a your a christmas a yes a christmas glory bags - but it be a terrible a waste as a royal a mail so a slow my a mother, a she a been a constipated a for a 4 a months a now and she a shi t, yes a she a take a shi t faster than a royal a mail a deliver a your peas. and a parcel a force only do attempted deliveries.
try dying the green ones a blue with some live hair dye from a schwartzkopf and a they a be a cosmic a blue before you can say a jack a hammer on a your head.