What was your favorite childhood candy?!
Answers: My favorite and still is Reese's Peanutbutter Cups.
i cant decide i like them all
i use to love hersheys and i still do!
Kinda weired and not as popular as other but I liked the Watchamacallit bar, LOL. Has everything in you might want... just ignore the calories...with a name like that calories don't count, LOL
i loved m&m's. still do, especially peanut butter. also skittles.
Turtles, Hershey bars with almonds, truffles, anything dressed in chocolate.
mallow cups
Butterfinger, Big hunk and Candy Corn! I still love Butterfingers and Big Hunks but I can't eat nearly as much Candy Corn as I did when I was a kid.
Chewy Sweet Tarts!