What do u like more? Maionese or ketchup?!
Answers: Actually I like them mixed together especially on french fries.
ketchup you can eat it with almost anything ha ha ha
neither, I prefer mustard or hot sauce
i love both of them, i really like it wen i eat french fries or fish &chips!!!!! yummy
I like ketchup on fries, but I prefer mayo on sandwiches.
Mayo...by FaR!!! I despise ketchup, unless it is mixed as my old high school friend taught me. For french fries you can mix a tsp of ketchup, a tsp of sour cream and a tsp of hot sauce and mix it together to use to dip your french fries into. It may sound GroSs as it did to me, but it was good with the fries..that and a little salt and pepper and and an ice cold beverage...deelicious-oohso!
hmm i like both for my french fries. but i even more like chilly sauce more than anything.