How do you know if your sense of taste is more sensitive?!
Answers: or are there any easy recources that could help me find out if my sence of taste is more sensitive than normal
There are actually 2 ways of telling whether you are an Undertaster or a Supertaster.
The Saccharin Test:
Mix one pack of saccharin (Sweet'N Low) into two-thirds of a cup of water
Now taste the water.
You'll probably taste a mix of both bitter and sweet, but see which taste is stronger.
If sweet is dominant, then it means you're probably an undertaster, and if bitter is dominant, it means you're probably a supertaster. If it's a tie, you are like half the population. To be sure, you may have to do the test more than once to tease out the differences.
The Blue Tongue Test:
Wipe a swab of blue food dye on your tongue and see the small circles of pink-colored tissue that polka-dot the newly painted blue canvas. Those are your papillae. Then put a piece of paper with a 4-millimeter hole, or the size of a hole punch in three-ring paper -- over your tongue. Using a magnifying glass, count the little pink dots you see in the hole. If you have fewer than five dots, it means you're an undertaster, while more than thirty indicate probably you are a supertaster.
Have fun!
Well, if you bite into a lemon and your mouth shrinks to a little hole about 4 feet behind your head, I'd say your sense of taste is more sensitive. You know when you taste a really great lemon meringue pie