How do you prevent bananas from rotting?!
Answers: they will keep longer in the refrigerator. the skin will get dark, but the fruit will stay nice. eventually they will rot in the frig, too.
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You really can't but you can slow the process by refrigerating them when the begin turning brown. They will continue to turn brown in the fridge but it slow the process of the flesh from rotting.
eat them! some people freeze them, or you can keep them at a cooler temperature, try buying them green and they will last longer because they have to ripen
Refrigerate them or freeze them.
I keep mine in a brown bag on the counter
they seem to last longer that way
Peel them, wrap in saran wrap, put in the freezer. They don't taste fresh off the tree but it's not a pile of mush either.
If you put them in the fridge they will stay fresh longer. The peelings will darken faster, but the actual fruit will keep longer.
Store in plastic bags in general refrigerator area, or open, in Crisper. Will remain fresh for 1 to 2 weeks. The skin may turn-black and discolor to some extent, but the pulp is still good eating.
Freeze them. They will still turn black, but the insides will be ripe. They will only be good for cooking, though (i.e. banana bread, freeze drying).
wow thats weird I was in a shop a couple of days and seen a bannana protecter!! Lol, that stops them bruising and therfore rotting, also try not to put them in a fruit bowl as they can get bashed about easily and rot quicker, and if you buy them green they will last much longer xD
You can't prevent it but you can help preserve them alittle longer by keeping them away from other fruits and putting them in a plastic bag away from air & Do not put in the fridge. but when they start to turn brown just peel them and cut them up into inch size pieces and put them in a freezer bag and add to freezer until you make a smoothie. it might turn alittle brown but no worries it's still good in a smoothie
they will last longer if you put them in the fridge...if you leave them out they brown faster...but eventually they will rot
If possible you buy chessnuts 3lbs for instance and mix bananas (separated ) and chessnuts in a basket - this is what people do in Madeira islands ( portuguese Islands close to Morocco
coasts )
you eat them before they go bad.
I usually buy them green, keep them in the fridge and they can be good for as long as 2-3 weeks...... do NOT put them inside a plastic bag, this will accelerate the ripening process.