Grocery bill?!
My husband and i are having discussion on
Answers: How much does the average family of five spend on groceries for two week period?
My husband and i are having discussion on
$100 for a family of five!?!?! Do you starve them? I'd say for a family of five every two weeks you should probably plan on at least $200 but probably $250 (at Wal-Mart of course)
about $100 dollars every week and a half- 2 weeks.
depends on where you live. i'd say about $200-$250 in california...
I have family of 6 and we spend about $500 a month
Well it all depends on how you shop. If you go for the things that are discounted or if you shop at the commissary.. I would say about $350
We have 3 people in our family, and spend about 100 a week including, shampoo, dog food, etc.
well being only 2 in our family i cannot answer acurately but we spend about £50 a week on food so I would say £100 a week for a family of five at least
Well I don't know about 5 but for 2 of us I spend anywhere from $95-$125 a week. That's veggies, meats, cereals, everything. It certainly does add up fast. Especially when you are eating healthy. It seems the healthier we eat the more $ our bill is.
personally i have a family of four and we spend about $200-$250 a month on groceries so i would probably say $100-$150 every two weeks would be about right.
I live in FL. and shop at super Wal-mart and I have 4 people in my family all though one is in diapers I spend anywhere between 200.00 and 250.00 every two weeks,
on an average I spend $150 a week, and that doesn't count trip to store for more bread and milk. We are a family of four, three adults, and one teenager.
Weekly I spend about $100 and we're 6.
Well me and my boyfriend live together and since we cook almost everyday we spend about $100/week on groceries. So for a family of 5 that cooks almost everyday, I'd say between $150-$200 is normal.
about $250
120 or 130 a week for 3 adults, 2 dogs, and 2 cats
an easy $250-$300 in new england
For 1-I spend about 40 a week.I eat frozen dinners a lot and sandwiches for lunch...Live on a budget.
Depends on your budget. I spend at least 200 a week. We budget $300 for 7 per week. I spend $200 and have the other $100 for incidentals, running out, gas and miscellaneous.
If I had to I could cook like I did when I was younger and make do on a lot less. If I didn't have the money I didn't buy it back them. We'd eat lots of hoe cakes, dried beans, rice, potataoes, eggs, and only meats we could afford. Use the cheapest in toiletries, cleaning products etc. back then.
About $250
If you do a lot of cooking yourself, I think $150 every two weeks is reasonable enough. Buying ready-to-eat foods is more expensive. You could even spend less that this if you take advantage of coupons and sale. We should remember that cheap things are not necessarily not good quality things. You could buy cheap stuff that are really nutritious and delicious. You could save more when you buy more than one of on sale items for future use.