Do the smelliest Cambembert cheeses taste the best?!
Where should I store it? And should I buy Camemberts for how they smell?
Answers: I've got a really delicious Camembert, but my goodness, does it stink the house out!
Where should I store it? And should I buy Camemberts for how they smell?
yeah a good camembert will be quite smelly (with a slight mushroomy aroma) and will be quite soft to the touch. If you want to get a really good camembert I would suggest going to a cheese shop or a deli. I think they are fine to keep in the fridge inside their box. Also a tip for enjoying a really tasty camembert is to cut a garlic clove in half and push it inside the cheese, sprinkle some rosemary and thyme on it and drizzle some honey on it and then bake it inside it's wooden box in the oven for about 10 minutes and you cna dip warm crusty bread into it. delicious.
Not inevitable. Sometimes they're not only smelling like unwashed feet...
But smelly and tasty Camenberts could be stored in plastic boxes in your fridge. Take them only out, if you like to eat them.
My favourite methode is: hit and run ;-)
i live in France and i gotta admit that Camembert absolutely stinks and the french say that the smellier the cheese the better is but i cant really see it !!!! i really dont agree !!!
Apparently, the riper they are the better they taste, its certainly a fact that the riper they are the smellier they are! My folks generally store theirs in a cool dry place, away from other food so the smell cannot taint it!
The more mature a Camembert is the more it will smell, another indication of "ripeness" is the runnyness of the interior. The unripe cheese is quite chalky in appearance and flavour. Once it starts to bulge and ooze it is really ready to eat. Great with butter and French bread.
smelly Camembert tend to have more taste because they are riper