Toast? English muffins? Or waffles for breakfast?!
Answers: Waffles with loads of syrup, some butter, bacon on the side and a good cup of coffee..........Waffles are also good, other than breakfast, with ice cream........Howard Johnson restaurants used to make the best many moons ago............CAT
toast with grape jelly
waffles .
An english muffin with a soft fried egg on top would be nice, thank you.
English Muffins!
Toast with strawberry preserves, waffles with a good maple syrup.
why choose? Eat 'em both!
toast with marmalade
All three sound good but for this morning I would choose the English Muffins toasted with some jelly and maybe peanut butter.
Toast with decent marmalade - yum yum!
english muffin
any of the above
Waffles :)
Toast with jelly and an egg on top. Sounds odd but it is great.
Toast...Cinnamon Raisin w/ lots o butter
English Muffins...W/egg,Ham n Cheese
Waffles...Stuffed w/ Cream Cheese & lots o maple syrup
depending on the mood and amount of time i have would make the difference between the muffin and the waffle, never toast (way too boring)
French toast with real Vermont maple syrup.