Can you smoke tea?!
Just roll it, etc. Are there any harmful or beneficial effects?
What does it feel like?
Answers: Like green tea?
Just roll it, etc. Are there any harmful or beneficial effects?
What does it feel like?
Once I was jonesing to smoke and rolled up a catnip doobie. It was the worst headache of my life. Remember, "think before you smoke".
Try it and let us know.
If you were using tea leaves then yes, you could smoke them. I am in no way recommending this and I think you would be better off just drinking your tea.
I would think that tea leafs would be to strong to smoke!
You must be all out of weed girlfriend!
LOL! I've never done it. I have smoked eucalyptus and cloves (from the spice rack) before when I was out :)
It depends on the type of tea.
Green Tea - yea go for it but it's harsher than weed. You wont like trip, might get a buzz but it's only like... calming almost.
Edit- Not really any negative side but I wouldn't smoke it very often probably harder on your lungs :P
Damn gurl you should be here with me, then you wouldn't be tryin' to burn green tea just to cop a buzz.
You can smoke about anything that is dry enough to burn and will stay in the paper/pipe. Depending upon the variety of tea, the effects can range from possible intoxication to harsh, lung ragging nasty. In any case, you should do some research before trying anything so radical. And, think about it; if there were anything else that would actually give you a good high, wouldn't it already be illegal, along with pot?
eh, smoked it once...killed my throat for a week painfully
bad idea, trust me lol
If you have enough stems left over you can do that. Morning Glory Tea. Just google search it..
It must be very interesting!
i don't think so, but you can smoke banana peels...has thc.
i know some one who did
There are some great recipes that use the technique of tea smoking to impart unique flavor to foods.Great question.
My brother did that once when he was like 14 but nothing happened.