Are you a tesco finest or a tesco value person?!
Answers: Value for the basics - tinned beans, tomatoes etc - and finest for anything fresh or which people are going to see. Tesco value frozen food and pasties are the dodgiest, but for things that can't be adulterated, it';s good and cheap - but Lidl do better food cheaper
Prefer Morrisons myself.
Tesco is rubbish to shop in - I prefer a combination of Asda and Sainsbury's products.
Value Value Value, Nobody could tell. It doesn't help I'm totally skint
It all depends on what I am buying but mainly Finest. A little bit of luxury is needed now and again.
Tesco bog standard veering towards Tesco Value
i like my bargains coz most of the time it tastes hardly any different. rarely go for finest unless its in the cheapy section
tesco finest - love it
Tesco past sell by date reduced price person
tesco is rank
its the worst supermarket there is in my eyes
value, i have got a blue n white colour coded larder
No Tesco at all! they are killing our independant traders and making far too much money into the bargain without putting any of it back into the community.
Wow, had to look at the answers to even figure out what Tesco is! Don't have any of them here, but I'd guess I'm a value person, I'm always looking for a bargain!
A combination of both
Neither - I hate the place.
I had a lot of trouble with Sainsburys (special offers that ran out before the day of a delivery etc) so having got a voucher in last weeks' Radio Times for £15 off a £90 buy at Waitrose, I went on line to have a look. Then I compared their price with Tescos, and Tescos' was still cheaper even after I'd deducted the £15, but you have to watch what you're buying. Tesco's BOGOF pizzas were allegedly their replacement for Goodfellows - and it was like eating tasteless cardboard, so care must be exercised at all times ! ! !
I can only afford value