What to send to an American?!
Answers: I want to send a friend some typically english stuff and not sure what to send any one got any idea's?
Check first what you can send, they're awfully picky at customs about food and drinks in the USA.
sympathy !
Not to sure, but mind and supersize it!!!
send im a bobby's hat...or a range rover
Sausages, proper bacon.
sorry hungry so thinking about food
English muffins? =-)
I'm a big fan of the heinz baked beans in ketchup. They're kind of hard to find here. And maybe some really nice tea? Or treacle. I have no idea what that is but I read it in Harry Potter all the time.
kendal mintcake
blackpool rock
tea bags
a football(soccer) top of your fav. team
I know that when I visited the UK, and came back with gifts, most people loved the small stuff I gave them, like the different candy bars, jars of lemon curd, (most have not heard of this in the US) and biscuits. I also brought back some cool bath products from specialty stores in London that were wonderful.
Most people will like anything that is sent, because you took the time to pick it out and send it.
Hope this helps!
Marmite, marmalade, porridge, teabags, jelly,english mustard,brown sauce, tin of marrow fat peas, salad cream, piccalilli.
Tea is a good place to start. Our tea (in the US) is not as good as your. Shortbread, biscuits, and jams are also a good idea. And anything with a Union Jack on it is considered cool here.
A model of a double-decker bus. An official English crumpet. A recording of your voice because English women have such sexy voices. A beef-eaters helmet. A miniature replica of Big Ben. And lots of pictures of everyday England.
Send me, an American, a great bottle of English gin.... nuttin better.
send them tea , i love tea and typically it is quite english and maybe you could send them jam or i dunno get them a flight ticket to england to actually see the place! hehe
A dictionary
HP sauce.