Why does honey get hard?!
Answers: whenever i buy honey it gets hard eaither in the summer or winter. does it mean it got bad? thank you
It depends on 2 things...
Sugar content... and water content... the higher the former and the lower the latter... the more apt Honey is to "harden" or crystallize.
Also, age will have something to do with it ONLY it you leave your honey in an unsealed jar.. and thusly evaporate the water content
quit teasing him.
it does thicken, but that doesn't mean its bad. you can thaw it in hot water.
Honey will naturally crystalize, this has nothing to do with it's quality, taste or safety. All you need to do is heat it and it will return to it's natural state.
No it does not mean that it is bad because honey is natural and kind of like melted caramel no matter what it will harden eventually it is alright to eat it as long as you aren't four or younger. It is usually because of sugar.
cuz i dnt like it =]
it hardens by itself but when you heat it or put it in hot water it will be less thick
?enjoy you honey?
Evaporation means it becomes slightly less runny. The honey is fine, and will last for a very long time. Honey has been found in tombs that are thousands of years old and is still edible.
Beekeepers feed bees sugar.