Why do i burp all the time, after drinking a drink?!
Answers: when other people dont seem 2
You probably drink too fast and maybe gulp air while you are drinking - and of course as another respondent said, fizzy drinks don't help
Could be just a slob (only joking hehe)
either you always drink a fizzy drink or yuo drink it to fast
are you breathing in before/during drinking? if you are taking in excessive breaths, maybe it is the wind getting trapped?
You swallow more air then others.
I couldn't believe that this website has over 4,900 questions containing the word "burp"! (just enter the word "burp" without the quotes in the "Search for questions" box at the top of nearly every Yahoo Answers page)
The simple answer is: Everyone is different!
Look at it this way, if it didn't come out of your pie-hole as a noise, it would come out the other end a LOT gnarlier! ;)