What is a cheap way to distill water?!
Answers: i know you can buy the distillers, but thats a bit expensive, is there a cheap way to do it, or does anyone know of a cheap distiller on the market.
It might not give you the quantity you need....
But try this.....
Take a big piece of foil and punch a small hole in it. Get a pot of water boiling on the stove and cover the pot with your foil. Take a pen apart and stick the hollow tube into the hole you made. A straw will also work. If you can, tape the foil to the pen so you can completely seal you hole. The pen or straw should not go into the water in the pot. As the water begins to boil, you should see steam coming out of the straw. Hold one glass upside down over the steam output. The condensation will gather and turn to water. Let the water drip out of the glass into another glass right side up....bam....distilled water.
That's really all a distiller does...purify water by steaming it. The steam is the clean water! You can use different materials, the point is to capture the steam as drinking water!
Hope it helped
boil a kettle and let it cool, instant distilled water
Evaporation, get some kind of roof thing, like an upside down V, put the water directly under it and 2 continment vessels either side. when the water evaporates it travels downwards into the other two containment vessels.
you could boil it ... or you can go to places like the Water Inn to get water
The easiest way would probably be to use a pot with a lid that isn't flat, a cup, and some ice cubes. Put a little water in the pot. Put the pot on the stove. Put the cup in the center of the bottom of the pot. Turn the lid upside down and put it on the pot. Put ice cubes in the bowl formed by the upside-down lid.
When you heat the pot, the water in the bottom boils, leaving behind any sediment and dissolved minerals. The steam rises until it hits the chilled lid, where it condenses into liquid water and runs down to the center, where it drips into the cup. If you have those simple items, the only cost is the energy to boil the water.
If you want even cheaper, build a solar still using black plastic film and clear plastic film. Dig a slight depression in the ground. Line it with the black plastic film. Put a cup in the middle of the black plastic film. Put the clear plastic film over the black plastic film. Put some weights around the perimeter to seal the films together and hold them in place. Put a small weight (e.g., rock) in the center of the clear plastic film so the water runs down to drip into the cup. The energy cost is free since it runs on solar energy.
You'd have to rig a pan over a pot of boiling water with a catch basin. I'd suggest a aluminum foil propped witha metal spoon and running down into a 2 quart boiler over a 4 quart boiler. Hard to describe!
U can buy distilled water at the grocery store. It is very cheap. I use it in my iron so that it does not get clogged up.