Is there a soy milk that taste like good old regular milk?And is it really better for U?!
Answers: My dad is a huge health nut and drinks Silk Soy Milk daily. I can't seem to get past the word Soy. The thought of it makes me gag. But, if it is better for me, then I am willing to give it a shot. But, if I try it, I want something that taste like the real thing. I eat a banana milk shake every morning, and it requires 1 1/2 cups milk. It is very nutrionial, and I love it. So, should I take the plunge and try the soy milk?
you can try soy milk in a banana milk shake. there might be enough other flavors (banana, vanilla, etc) to cover up the soy flavor. at least give it a try. Chocolate might also cover the soy flavor. Now, having said the above I don't think you will EVER get soy to taste like real milk. But its really a matter of individual taste. Now my veggie friend will I'm sure give me the thumbs down when I say this but real milk is very good for you. Its nearly the perfect food with plenty of protein, calcium, and vitamins. Skim milk of course is preferred because of the lack of extra fat which most people don't need. Soy milk is certainly not more healthy than regular skim milk.
PhD Food Chemistry and Nutrition
No brand of soy milk will ever taste just like cow's milk. But most brands have added sweetener and often flavoring like vanilla, so sometimes they almost can taste better than cow's milk! And if you're mixing it with banana, the taste shouldn't be very noticable.
Also, if it's less unappetizing, you could try almond milk or rice milk, for example.
Soy milk can have advantages from an ethical perspective, since "turbo cows" on a dairy farm are often terribly mistreated (not unlike the animals bred to be eaten; the main difference is that the dairy cows don't get killed as quickly).
From a health perspective, it's better because it has no cholestrol and is usually low in fat.
I think it's a good idea to throw some non-dairy milk into the mix so you don't get too much dairy and animal protein (b/c of the cholestrol and other reasons, e.g. I've heard that your body doesn't absorb iron from foods when eaten at the same time as dairy).
And think about it: Isn't it kind of gross to take an animal and drink the milk that is produced to feed its baby (which is sometimes taken away from its mother so that people get all the milk)? What's the difference, really, from if human mothers sold their milk for other people and animals to drink? Yuck.
No, and no.
No soy milk tastes exactly like milk. Try Edensoy Vanilla soy milk with cereal. (But don't get the version with extra vitamins because unfortunately you can taste a vitaminy taste.) Soy milk goes well with cold cereal.