Have you ever thought shrimp are gross?!
Answers: They crawl around in all the other animals excrement scraping stuff up to eat. Fairly disgusting animals if you ask me.
Gross has never made my mouth water... I like 'em!!!
That's why my 20-ish sons won't touch them!
Oh well, more for me.
I don't like shrimp to start
If they're not cooked ....YES!!!!
I don't like shrimp - when I was a kid I always thought they looked like little foetuses.
I like them scampi style with their heads still on.
i agree & will not eat shrimp - yuck
No. Actually, I love shrimps.
Shrimp is high in calcium and protein.
I hate peel n eat shrimp.
You have to scoop out the poop and worse at some buffets they have the ones with the heads on them...eww
But if they are cleaned and peeled I just love them.
No animals are clean cows sit and walk in manure.
Even vegetables are grown in poo, well, fertilizer.
The best potting soil is made with bat guano.
i used to think shrimps, crabs and lobsters are like ocean cockroaches and insects...
but hey! they are delicious!
great! i wish more people like you in the world so the rest of us eat more!
ewww omg yes those little nastys r disgusting.
you know when you bite into them, the little black string thats inside?
yeah,well...thats a poop shute.
sounds yummy hmm?!
I dont eat any seafood whatsoever.