How do I ween myself off my love of sweet foods?!
Answers: I'm trying to eat less sugary foods - have you got any tips?
i read somewhere that drinking hot water with lemon juice cleanses your palate and reduces cravings for sweet things by making them taste kinda sickly in comparison
i just worked out what my triggers were (like when i was tired) and consciously made an effort to not eat cr ap then.
i eventually recognised as well when i didn't really need it but just wanted it
when your blood sugar is constantly going up with sugary stuff, it will be dipping all the time making you feel like more
it might work for you to just cut most of it out in one go or to wean yourself gradually
have lots of low sugar/fat snacks around for when you get cravings but mine just kinda dwindled after a while
good luck! xx
Just say no.
go cold turkey
If you must eat sweet stuff, try things that are labelled with less sugar, fat or salt. Use sweeteners in your tea. Eat less Mars bars!
try natural alternatives for example fruits have natural sugars in them try mixing these at first with some sugary foods you love or just try some sugar on some strawberries then slowly stop the sugar and eat these delicious natural sugary foods.
Try replacing them with fruits, you'll still get some sugar but it will be the good kind. Even baby carrots are a little sweet.
first? DONT BUY THEM!! If there not in teh house then your not going to want them as much. Get healthy snacks, fruit and veggies. Scrape up some WILL POWER too. your going to need it.
Step on the scale...
im 59 and still haven't-when i did eat less sweet stuff in my life-i just didn't buy it or keep it in the house
Eat plenty of fruit which have natural sugars in. Make sure you eat little and often and treat yourself once a day to something, which will make you less likely to over indulge
see those suffering from high sugar level n learn to be sober.
Yes, I'm diabetic and have a great problem with that. first of all, hide them, or give the ones from your house to a friend, sibling...never buy any at the shops. and when you do want one, get a ricecacke/oatcake, and cover it with something low fat ie: low fat cottage cheese...Or even get loads of veg. and make/buy a low fat dip and just eat that. But remember don't eat TOO much. If you are busy, you'll find that you're less likely to want to eat
While in the super market, don't go down the aisle of the sweets, get rid of it all in your house.
Reward yourself for everyday that you don't have sweets ( and I don't mean with something sweet.) I mean maybe a blouse, sweater something non edible that you might want.
Have goals and rewards.
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Go Nike style, JUST DO IT.
when i have the sugar craving i eat almonds or nuts they bring my blood sugar level down and i dont want the sugar
I'm not sure. I have the same problem and I honestly believe that I have a sugar addiction. I have tried to go off processed sugar 'cold turkey' a couple of times and I have had 'withdrawl' type symptoms. So I wish you luck and I'm interested in reading other peoples thoughts on this.