What is your favourite crumpet topping?!
Answers: I love just butter. My son has to have Marmite and my husband blackcurrant jam.
marmite with dairylea
Strawberry jam yum yum
I love butter and a cheese slice on mine, yummy :)
blueberry jam is nice also.
Mines Honey
orlando bloom...
melted cheese, or try spreading with butter then sprinkling sugar on then grilling it, yum yum the butter melts in then the sugar does hard and crunchy
I put butter on, then marmite and finaly blackcurrant jam and make a mess eating it
butter and marmite/bovril...never can decide out of the 2 which i like best
Butter & strawberry jam.
Good old fashioned butter for me too!But some jam if I'm feeling adventurous!
oh sorry that sort of crumpet.
would have to be real english butter then.....
Grated mature Cheddar Cheese. Chop up some onion into tiny chunks and about twenty seconds before you finish grilling the cheese, sprinkle the onion on.
Squidge of black pepper and you're done.
um dumb question.... what is a crumpet??? If it is a biscuit, then , honey and sweet butter. Or orange Marmalade. With coffee, or tea.
Butter then Peanut Butter on top..heaven!!
Butter and cheese.
Loadsa proper butter.
like you butter, real butter though, so it drips out, mmmmmmm
definetly honey...it soaks into crumpets so well mmmm ! Butter and honey is best though :)
clover on it's own sooooooo comforting, and clover with raspberry jam yummmmmmmy, both with a glass of ice cold milk
butter, strawberry jam and poached egg are nice,but not all together obviously. xx
cheese spread
Lots of butter topped with ginger preserve. Not particularly healthy but yummy.
lashings of butter