How come we are the only "omnivore" that cant eat raw meat without getting ill?!
also, how come we only have 4 canines and 18 (average) maulers unlike all other omnivore species which have many more canines and many less maulers?
why are we not born with any natural weapon (e.g. claws, bigger teeth...) like other omnivores?
Answers: if were "designed" (i dont believe in god so i dont think we were really "designed", but anyway..) to eat meat how come we catch illnesses of raw meat when other omnivores dont?
also, how come we only have 4 canines and 18 (average) maulers unlike all other omnivore species which have many more canines and many less maulers?
why are we not born with any natural weapon (e.g. claws, bigger teeth...) like other omnivores?
That's a tricky one. I reckon that our bodies evoloutionised out of control, making us more powerful, but also more sensitive. Changes in our immune system mean that we are unable to resist the bacterium living inside raw meat. (This Bacteria is destroyed when cooked) which is why Humans can't eat raw meat. Technically, we still can eat raw meat, but the Human specie suffers more damage from it than good, which makes us move away from eating it.
As to the teeth, we evolved into using tools, so while our brains developed and became strong, our bodies were almost made weaker, but better to use and power our machines. And do monkeys and Apes have huge teeth or claws?? We have less types of teeth as Humans can be herbivores if they choose to by becoming a vegetarian, which is an option many omnivores don't have, so we are almost herbivores that can choose to eat meat.
I hope that this makes some sense!!!
this is the result of evolution.
this is what makes us human different from other beasts.
I'm with you, I wasn't "designed" either.
The answer to your question is simple, we learned how to cook our food, so over time we stopped producing the strong stomach acids needed to digest raw meats.
Further proof of the old adage "If you don't use it, you loose it".
We have evolved to take advantage of our brains. Sure, canines are designed to tear meat from bones, but since we have extremely dextrous hands as well as the intellectual capacity to use and create a huge variety of tools, we don't need to tear beat directly from boans. Think about how you eat meat, you cut a piece off and chew with your molars. Canines are not nearly as important to an animal that does that as they are to an animal that can only rip chunks of raw meat from a carcass. As far as why we can't eat raw meat, the answer is we could, but our bodies have not been selected to do so for thousands of years. Other animals can and do become ill from eating tainted meat, so over the centuries the ones with natural resistance to foodbourne illness have survived while those without have died. Humans become sick more easily not because we "can't" eat raw meat, but rather because there is no pressure for us to develope resistance to these illneses, since we remove them from our food when we cook it. Mor accurately, there have not been major outbreaks of these diseases to kill off those of us without those resistances, leaving the species as a whole more vulnerable. Finaly, intellectual capacity to create tools, whether they are for defense or for making things, is the best weapon available. It it were not the best natural weapon we would be a lot lower on the food chain than we are.
How do we know that those other omnivores don't ever fall victim to illnesses from raw meat?
Anyway, I think we're more likely to is because we don't eat the meat directly after the "kill". The bacteria have plenty of chance to grow and multiply in our meat, which isn't nearly as fresh by the time we eat it. With other omnivores, they usually eat it immediately after killing the animal.
We don't need as many canines as other omnivore species. Our diets are much more varied, and we don't need to tear raw meat from the bones with our teeth.
We don't need those claws, etc., because we buy our meat or shoot it, not kill it with our bare hands.
It's called "evolution", my friend.
It's just the way our evolutin works. Once man discovered fire he found out how good cooked meat tasted.
We can eat raw meat perfectly well without getting ill (Steak tartare etc.)
Other omnivores have bigger canines, but the same number as us, don't they?
We actually were born with two natural weapons that enabled us to hunt better - opposable thumbs, like other apes, and our brains, infinitely more delvoped than other omnivores', and infintely more 'powerful' as hunting tools than claws and teeth...
We CAN eat raw meat without getting sick. People do it all the time...rare steak, sushi, sashimi, etc.
I get it. However humans do eat raw meat.