What does death taste like?!
Answers: like chicken
taco bell
Tastes like... may be chocolate
like cold metal, like when you get it really hard in the head or somewere and you get that kind of metal taste i would think thats what it would taste like
crystal meth and some other unmentionable stuff.
Like Bush
just die and feel it
Sex and Candy
Here is the thing to do, you climb the highest billboard or building and then have a free fall, after that tell us what does it taste. ok?!
Can you please leave me your phone number ? I am gonna die any moment ...any day ! I promise I will call you to tell you how exactly death ' Taste ' If thats the last thing I do before I digest death completely. < wink>
Like you're having a mouthful of cold ash...
l don't think any of us can formativley answer that one.And for that l am thankful.