Whats the point of warm milk?!
Answers: do you drink warm milk? whats the point of it? does it even taste good? i think old people drink it?
Warm milk is consumed for following reasons.
1) Tryptophan: the same ingredient that makes everyone sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is present with cup of milk.
2) Warmth: the few degrees that this drink might raise your body temperature is often enough to trigger the slowdown response we have on warm days.
In addition there is anecdotal evidence that the warm milk reminds us of the time when we were infants, hence "sleep like a baby."
Most other beverages we enjoy warm tends to have caffeine, which inhibits sleep (coffee, hot chocolate/cocoa, leaf tea), but many herbal teas are as good as warm milk and in fact are recommended for the lactose-intolerant.
LOL, old people drink it! I have absolutely no idea what the point of it is.....and I think it's nasty.
lol haha im with you on this one.... i tihnk its nasty.. i mean milk is supposed to be cold and stay cold!!
I don't like the taste of it either but some people like my mother have that old belief that you should drink something warm in the morning or at night.
Its up to you. Drink it cold if you want. Women should always drink some milk to keep up their calcium levels.
I always thought it was disgusting, but one night I couldn't sleep for hours and my fiance suggested I drink some, and within 10 minutes of drinking it, I was knocked out. So that's the only point I can think of... oh and warming milk to make hot chocolate.. yummmm.. ;)
it's comforting, like hot chocolate and breast milk,
Yes I drink it, It knocks me out! seriously, if I drink it half an hour later I'm catching Z's.
it tastes great, just put a little bit of sugar in it and it makes it so much nicer.
Not really, old people drink it, but I do. I'm not Old, 22 to be exact.
milk always tastes better ice cold but warm milk is suppose to make you all warm and fuzzy inside to help put you to sleep on days when you are having trouble doing that, my grandma use to give me that when i was young to help me fall asleep.
Warm milk soothes the stomach. I don't like it plain. I put a little sugar and a little butter in it. Warm milk helps you to sleep at night. That's why babies sleep after feeding.
warm milk can make sleepy?
Milk has nutrients and is known to make people a little calmed down.
Drinking something hot before sleeping is usually less energizing than drinking an ice-cold beverage.
There's no way I'd drink it. I don't think ANY milk tastes good - unless its whipped into pudding or custard.
Well, with a bit of honey and vanilla it is quite palatable. It used to be thought that it would relax you to sleep. I also used to get something called HOM in Santa Barbara, it was hot Almond milk frothed. It was great! I guess it's just a soothing drink and the calcium is an added bonus. Most milk is also fortified with vitamins A and D, so overall, this is probably a much healthier drink than most others.
I drink warm milk in the morning in the winter.
I do it because its warmer, and as most people would agree, they like drinking something warm in the morning.
Personally, I think milk tastes the same warm and cold.
It is scientifically proven that its good to wake up to a warm drink (if its healthy) such as milk, or just warm water in the morning, so that may be a reason why you think old people drink warm milk.
The only point for it that I know of is for babies. Babies need their milk 2 be warm when they r brand new born cuz their little bodies r fragile. The milk has 2 be warm so that the body temp of baby does not get thrown off and get the baby sick. And it is a comfort for them being that breast milk is body temp. As the babies get a little older they tend 2 cling 2 the warm milk habit, similar 2 clinging 2 the pacifier. My son was spoiled by his grandmother while she had him, she always warmed his milk before bedtime. 4 some reason it helps when u cant sleep. And that might be the reason old people drink it.
For some reason, warm milk tastes creamier and sweeter, with nothing having been done to it other than raising the milk's temperature. Also, it's been opined that warm milk is more soothing and helps one get to sleep faster if you want to but are having trouble going to sleep. yeah, I'm older now, and milk isn't my thing, if I want to get to sleep quicker. A warm brandy does the trick.
I drink warm milk depends on what part of the day coz cold drinks not just milk, makes me have stomach aches =[
All I know is that it's really nasty! I've tried it .. Blech. It's actuall comforting and helps people sleep. Soothing ..
Not my cup o' tea to help me sleep!