No can opener....?!

Question: SO HOW CAN I OPEN A CAN ???
lol, serous question. my can opener is broke really bad but it STARTS to open the can.. then it jus rips the lable off =( & im reaally hungrey ! wat can i do ?!?!

Answers: SO HOW CAN I OPEN A CAN ???
lol, serous question. my can opener is broke really bad but it STARTS to open the can.. then it jus rips the lable off =( & im reaally hungrey ! wat can i do ?!?!

When desperate, a pickaxe or hatchet works nicely. I mean on the can opener!

screw driver and hammer

hammer and a screwerdriver....good luck lol

Ask to borrow a neighbors

Hammer and a chisel. :)

Don't eat canned foods lol, buy a can opener tomorrow

use a flathead drewdriver and hit with a hammer


If the can is partially open, use a knife or a screwdriver to pry the rest.

If you have a hammer & a screwdriver, you could tap the screwdriver through the top at intervals until you can get the top off.

You could have gone and bought a new can opener in the time it took you to write this question!

Do you have a different kind of can opener like one for cans of juice with the sharp side to it. If so use it all the way around the can.. takes time but will get is open for ya.......

use a sharp pointy knife, and poke it, and work around the lid carefully. CAREFULLY

stab a knife in it several times or put it in microwave, when it explodes u will have food :)

Go buy one, but in the meantime you could:
1- eat something else.
2- open it with a knife (i did that once I had the same problem)

the easiest thing to do is to run down to the store and buy another can opener. I mean using a knife to beat the lid in could work but that can take forever!

I always do it with a knife. I got so used to it that I don't use a can opener anymore.

Poke a hole with it first then angle the knife and twist it up, keep doing this little by little and BE CAREFUL.

Good luck. =-)

well buy another one or since it does open some of the can keep putting the can other the opener and turning to it opens completely

LOL... Can openers were recently voted as the dodgiest home appliance of all time, they have the highest rate of malfunction and general prove to ba an annoying tool.

Given that, unless you have a pen knife, you will need to find an alternative source of nourishment.

Dash off to the dollar store

what you do is get a sharp knife and drag it along the opened area of the can. It works you jus have to try hard not to cut yourself.

take a knife, please be safe, and something heavy, and wooded life a woodend heavy spoon. anything that is heavy, you can grip and wont break.

Take the knife and postion it close to the edge of the can, where you would put the can opener part. leverage it, and take whatever heavy thing you have and start hammering the tip of the knife to the top of the can. When you get that part open, postion the knife right next to it and do the same thing... eventually you will have a very jagged, but open can. Careful with it! Easier said than done.

You can use a sturdy knife and place it just inside the lip of the can and punch down on it and repeat the process going around the can. Do not use a folding knife and be very, very careful as it is not too difficult to cut yourself this way. Keep both hands above the knife. Then, when the kid is ready to come off, wrap the edge with a paper towel as it will be jagged and sharp. Good luck and don't bleed to death as you eat.

take a hammer and use the other end and beat it really hard...slam it across the opposite wall...take a screwdriver and stab it...jackhammers work wonders too...then take a fork and flip up half the lid and whallalalala....

Try a butcher knife with a good handle on it, so it won't hurt your hand,

Do you have a bottle opener - you know the pointy end - start
puncturing away - I've done it.

Run next door to your neighbor, can in hand!

go to the store and buy one for $1

Get a steakknife and cut it off. Always worked for me!

It sounds like you have a cheap can opener. Until you are able to go out and buy a good one, you can use a heavy chef's knife or hunting knife to open a can. It will seriously dull or even damage the blade, but in an emergency it's possible. Just jab the tip down into the can near the edge and push down and pull in the direction of the blade, using a sawing motion. This can be very dangerous if you are not experienced with using a chef's knife. I highly recommend you go out and buy a good can opener.

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