Why does pineapple hurt my tongue?!
why is this?
Answers: I absolutely love eating fresh pineapple but often find it makes my tongue hurt - as if it has several small cuts on it!
why is this?
Pineapple juice contains the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain is a natural digestive enzyme that also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Sometimes people eat pineapple if they have a mouth ulcer.
Did you know that the people who pick pineapples eventually lose their finger prints - not from the prickles - the enzyme eats away at the skin. This is probably what's happening inside your mouth!
Are you getting the skin off all the way.
Also there are such things as oral allergies. I have a problem with carrots and strawberries.
try peeling it first , or buy it in tinned form .......
pinapple is highly acidic, you probably do have small knicks on your tongue which it stings. very likely if you smoke - but we all have little raw places we don't normally notice.
its got a lot of acid in it innit. Do you have a sore on your tongue- that would make it worse innit
hi sugar Jane I'm exactly the same,i ha vent really thought about it till now that i seen your question,i wonder why too....have a star for your question Hun,thanks for askin....x
well it contains Bromelain, which is an enzyme that breaks down protein, perhaps it eating your tongue!!
Well, ur tongue isn't the only one. It's supposed to be sweet, but it's sour. Well, there are certain parts in ur tongue, like sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and the sweety pinapple must have been in some parts of the tongue, which isn't in sweet.
Like me you might be allergic to it. My mouth always bleeds when I am eating pineapple therefore I avoid them. It is something to do with the enzymes that thin the blood.
Probably the same reason that raw tomatoes and melon make my lips itch!
cant remember it's name offhand, but it is one of the enzymes contained in the juice
we use it (fresh pineapple juice) for cleaning the feeding tubes of service users who are fed in this manner
I know what you mean!! Whenever I eat fresh pineapple i feel like i've burnt my tongue!
Have a star.