Do You Like Government Cheese?!
If you're referring to our infamous Carter-obsessed troll, then let's just say he's worn out his welcome long ago.
Answers: I would not know. I have never been given the opportunity to try such a delicacy.
If you're referring to our infamous Carter-obsessed troll, then let's just say he's worn out his welcome long ago.
Guilty!! Yes I do
I don't remember that far back. We used to eat it when we visited my grandma in Ok. It seems like it was to salty.
He is repetitive, redundant, and mentally unstable. No, I don't like him.
I like providing for myself but sure love knowing its there if I need it
If JIMMY CARTER could say one sentance to GOVERNMENT CHEESE what would he say
Absolutely. He's much like Jimmy Carter. Keeps on talking and never gets anywhere. But that effort won the ole boy a Nobel Peace prize didn't it?! I find the humor enlightening. You don't like it, don't go for the 2 easy pts. Doesn't take a Nuklear scientist to operate that thought now does it? !
Only on a chicken sandwich.