What can fried green tomatoes be likened to?!
Answers: What do they taste like - I'm just curious before I try to make some.
They're really hard to describe, but I love them.
The tomato flavor is more piquant and it's obviously much more solid, so it has a nice tender bite to it. That mixed with the nutty flavor of butter that you fry it in makes a very good piece of fried food ^^
They're very easy to make. You should definitely give it a try.
Hard to explain the taste, I'm sure you'll like them most people I've talked to that has tried them seems to like them, I know I do.............
they are tomatos that have a fried taste and are green
little bites of heaven! Gosh, I can't describe the exact taste of them but they are so delicious- I love mine with hot chow chow. Thanks for the midnight hankering ;)