Do you love youtube or what does earwax taste like?!
Answers: I think I am dying from laughter and nausea!... What's next? Bush eating boogers?
Yuk! raw earwax! I never eat mine unless they are fried with a few toenail clipping and some dead skin to garnish. A few boogers for afters and I'm done baby.
erm ok
nope and go taste your earwax and find out.
I'm cool with youtube. And I can tell you that earwax tastes like cornbread batter.
Don't ask how I know this, but my cat loves earwax. She goes crazy for it.
Oh, and youtube is okay.
That is nasty! Didn't he know he was on camera? Anyway, how can anyone like the taste of earwax. It taste very bitter.
What was interesting was the attempt at subtlety...and being so comfortable with the camera that he forgot it was there.
for your downtime bemusement:
OMFG. That stuff is bitter. I checked it out once as a kid -- I mean, who didn't? This is even funnier than a booger-eating moron. At least boogers are a little closer to tofu than ear slime. Hey, I know, maybe he stored the rest of his candy bar in his ear for later. Or he stuck a small but potent pill in his ear for later, to get him through the boredom. Damn videocameras. Big Brother is watching you.
I dont; get you-tube on this computer; and i haven;t tasted ear wax for awhile as i quit making those types of candles; but will be taking orders again; when my wax supply get full again.
What do you think I eat each time I have this worrisome headache from you???
Its clearly fake they used Penny's lard.