Do you have chips with your sandwich?!
Answers: I cannot eat a sandwich without chips. It just tastes gross. I can eat burgers a la carte but not sandwiches. What about you guys? Just curious.
One seems to go with the other, don't they? I am salt restricted now, but I still have to have some plain chips with a
sandwich. It's just not a meal without the chips I think. Well
unless there are some french fries instead. But I don't make
them at home just for lunch. Soup and sandwich also go good
together. But even then, I still like a few chips for 'crunch'. It's
probably just a habit. But it's sure hard to break. LOL.
No nothing.
gotta have chips. and different kinds of chips for different kinds of sandwiches. but i find plain old fashioned lays to be a good all around all purpose sandwich chip.
You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips.
Yep...I especially like Doritos with, say a ham sandwich.
agreed, I must have something with sandwiches. Hummus and tortillas or salsa is really good.
I've eaten a sandwich with chips on it. Like hotdogs. Sometimes I just gotta have chips on em.
I most always have chips of some sort.
I like chips but the best thing in the world is a bologna and doritos sandwich all crunched together.
chips make the sandwich I think :)
Yes itried it several times.... i put some banana chips in peanut butter to taste crispier and it was
yea chips on the sandwich tastes really good makes it crunchy its really good.
yeah... and i like to crunch my chips in my ranch doritos on a turkey and cheese on wheat bread with extra mayo and a big glass of white grape juice.....pure heaven
I used to have Twisties on sandwiches or rolls, but hey i'll have any chips on any sandwich, when i was younger we used to call it punk food lol.....
And.. a chip sandwich isn't complete until you smash it down with the palm of your hand before you eat it...
The funniest thing about eating chip sandwiches is that i'm an excellent cook specializing in Italian, Thai and Chinese food, actually that's probably pretty weird for an Aussie.... lol
yes. love chips in a sandwich
I am exactlly the same way. I cannot eat any sandwich, without some kind of chip. (Unless it is peanut butter). I like something like organic chips, like corn chips. Try the spicey or the bean flavored kind. Try not to eat the processed cheese snacks too much. I also sometimes like the kettle potato chips.
yah i love chips with my sandwich i always put them on it too it gives it a good crunch. I like to put fries on my hamburgers too
I like to crush the chips on my sandwich... one time I couldn't find any lunch meat in the I just ate a chip sandwich, pretty tasty... :)
Lay's chips w/P&J is great!!
Sometimes I eat my sandwich with chips. <*-*>
Definitely need the chips.
i also like it better when it comes to chips on my side but any chips would be great, i sometimes have them for extra.
When I was little I used to put chips in my tuna fish sandwich, it gives it a great salty crunch