Is there any real difference between Cheese Its and Cheese Nips?!
They taste pretty much the same to me. Plus they have similar logos and the EXACT same shape.
Answers: (I mainly mean the taste, but if you want, say other things, too.)
They taste pretty much the same to me. Plus they have similar logos and the EXACT same shape.
I think the Cheez-its are little crispier than the Cheese Nips. I am usually sorry when I buy Nips, but they are usually cheaper, and sometimes I am cheap.
Same exact thing.
I would suppose any difference, real or perceived, is certainly a function of the mind of the person or persons consuming either. Then again, variations in taste buds would certainly put a random element into the equation. What are the conditions during consumption? Certainly other factors such as drinking a beer, soda or a glass of water would need to be factored in. Just a thought or two.
Nope, same thing
I would say that they are the same thing just a different name.