Is it weird to cook rice like this?!
The result is a bit crunchy and sometimes stick in your molars, but that's ok. It's not like i'm cooking for anyone else. Do you think this is stupid, or can it even be dangerous? If I am waiting to die of e coli or something, maybe i should cook them for half hour?
Answers: I like them a little bit crunchy. I only cook rice for about 8 minutes, until it's a little milky and barely soft. They seem to taste better this way, and probably have a lot more vitamins or nutrients too.
The result is a bit crunchy and sometimes stick in your molars, but that's ok. It's not like i'm cooking for anyone else. Do you think this is stupid, or can it even be dangerous? If I am waiting to die of e coli or something, maybe i should cook them for half hour?
If it is just plain white rice, it doesn't have much in the way of nutrients anyway. And no it's not weird. It's like al dente pasta (with a bite).
For only 8 mins, the rice is not cooked. But if you like it that way, why not? Most Chinese would have it completely cooked...
I have rice for 32 years and ain't heard of anything about rice having e coli.
i dont think it's going to be dangerous to eat rarely cooked rice at all
and i find no problem in your personal recipe as long as you enjoy the particular way of eating it
not dangerous, just kinda strange. the finest flavor comes from perfectly cooked rice. you should try it.
It is a bit weird...but hey if that's how you like then it's just fine!
Cook any way you want as long as you stick by health and sanitation guidelines. I love rice. It's a staple in my house. I don't like it crunchy or mushy. In between is what I like. I will serve it with anything except my chili.
My son likes to eat raw pasta, totally uncooked. Each to his own, I say!
I don't understand how your rice can be crunchy. Maybe you are eating uncooked rice. There are no vitamins in rice except carbohydrates.
If you continue to eat uncooked rice it may affect your health, so cook rice the proper way.
Half an hour is much too long for just one serving. It becomes crusted if there is little water or it becomes broth if there is too much water.
No, I don't think you are stupid. Just that you do not know how to cook rice the proper way.
Good for you not me.
Whatever you like to eat, eat it!
I love my rice sticky..
not suppose to crunch
Hey if you like it go for would know by now if it was going to make you each his own...enjoy!