How do I know when my avocados ready to eat?!
Answers: I just bought a few Hass Avocados. I need to know when they are ready to eat. Do they need to be hard or are they ripe and ready when they are harder or do they need to be soft. Thanks
The way I tell if an avocado is ripe is to gently press it with my thumb while holding it. If it's hard and unyeilding, it's not ripe yet. If it dents very easily, it's too ripe for anything but guacamole. For eating, I try to pick an avocado that is firm but yields a bit. With a little practice, you can learn to tell when that avocado is perfect!
the'll be firm but a little soft
they can be moderately soft. don't open them if they're hard.
Soft but not squishy.
If they are soft, that is how you can tell.
when they are soft.
when you see it come to you
You want them equally soft all around the skin, any bruises or tough spots mean its either overripe or still needing some time to ripen.
They should be a little squishy...but still firm enough.....Put them in a closed brown paper bag, for some reason they ripen lie
soft, but not so much that you can tell that the fruit has pulled away from the skin. then it's past its prime.
when the ends are a bit soft.
Well you have to touch the bottom of the avocado, if its soft (not mushy) then its ready to eat.
If they are still hard to the touch, then put them into a brown sack with an apple. The moisture from the apple will help to ripen the avacado. About a day later, the avacados will be ready to make Guacamole or something else!
Hass are ready when they turn black from green and the little (Stem Nubb) comes off easily.