Anyone have any tips on how to keep from tearing up when cutting onions?!
Answers: I can be in the next room when someone else is cutting an onion and my eyes start to burn and I tear up. Any suggestions on how I can prevent this? Thanks!
Like other plants, onions are made of cells. These cells are divided into two sections separated by a membrane. One side of the membrane contains a chemical called an enzyme which helps chemical processes occur in your body. The other side of the membrane contains molecules that contain the element sulfur. When you cut an onion, the contents on each side of the membrane can mix together freely and the enzyme causes the sulfur compound to undergo a series of chemical reactions. These reactions produce molecules such as ethylsufine which make your eyes water. The products from these reactions are called "transient species", meaning that they only "live" for a very short time. Their "lives" are actually so short that scientists are just now learning what they actually are. If you want to prevent crying when you cut onions, there are a few things you can do. One is to cut the onion under a stream of cold water. The sulfur compounds dissolve in water so they will be rinsed down the sink and not be able to get into you eyes. Another way to prevent crying is to put the onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before you cut it. Cold temperatures slow down the reaction between the enzyme and the sulfur compounds so fewer of the burning molecules can reach your eyes. you can also, Chew Hubba Bubba Bubble gum, this will also have the same affect
put a fan blowing horizontally on low... that'll take the fumes away.
The only 100% guaranteed to work advice I found is to use a diving mask, that way any of the liquid, sprayed while cutting, won't be able to get to your eyes and nose.
sick your head in the freezer (seriously)
Apparently stuffing your upper lip with tissue, but I assumed I was being lied to and have not yet tried this one. Perhaps goggles? Don't try cutting with your eyes closed, no matter how cunning an idea it seems...
...Not that I've done that or anything...
......Well, not recently
Try chewing gum.It works for my mom.
refrigerating the onions helps.
Yeah wear goggles or something over your eyes!!
refrigerate the onion.
chew gum.
wear contacts.
wear goggles( i did once, didn't help that much though)
think happy thoughts :)
or just stick the onion in the fridge before you use it lol
If you need to mince the onions, just chop it up in the blender..then you wont get the small on your hands either
I tried wearing goggles once and it didn't work. It is all about the fumes that you breathe in, so fans will definitely help, unless you are just really emotional about onions like me.
After you cut the onion in half, wash both halves. It washes away much of what makes your eyes tear up. It won't totally eliminate the tears, but it makes it much more tolerable, and your eyes won't feel like they are on fire as much. I guess a diving mask works, you could also ask someone else to do it for you (some are more sensitive than others), or you could try using a mandolin (not sure of the spelling) which would cut the onion a whole lot faster. The movie 'Like Water for Chocolate' said the trick was to put an onion half on top of your head - that TOTALLY does not work. Sometimes I cut the onion in stages and walk out of the room before my eyes start to burn. It takes forever but I don't cry anymore.
I use goggles and wash the onions in cold water to prevent tears. I also turn on a small fan and let it blow lightly on my eyes.
Cut the root out of the onion before you start chopping it (in the shape of a cone). The root contains the part of the onion that makes you cry.
use swimming glass
100% relief from truble