What to do when you find a foreign object in a food product. Will it be treated seriously if I just return it?!
Answers: I found a one inch splinter of wood in a jar of food made and distributed by a well-known store. I want it to be dealt with seriously as it is a health hazard (I can't imagine what would have happened if my 3-year old had eaten it) I'm afraid that it might just be stuck under a counter and forgotten by someone at the customer service desk who thinks I'm just a crank, or worse hushed up. Can you trust stores to investigate this honestly? What would you do?
Finding foreign objects in food is very serious. I work in the food industry and I can tell you that when ever we find stuff like this in the plant the whole place shuts down till we find the problem. So what I would do is contact the corporate headquarters for the company that made the product. There should be a phone number or address on the side of the container. Which hopefully you still have. When you call them have the jar right next to you because the most importing thing that you can give then will be the experation date and whatever code goes along with it. Most companys use an internal code on their experation date. This is entirely for tracking purposes for when this stuff happens. Don't forget to save the piece of wood. The company may request that you send it to them or take pictures of it.
You are right it is a health hazard and nothing gets the point across better than to sue the company that makes it and I will also get you some extra money.
most store and manufactures worry only about being sued. therefor they only want u to go away. once u are gone and the evidence is still there the problem is solved. take it to local health inspectors or better local tv
I don't believe you..
as I read your story...
Your paranoia and mistrust is overwhelming..
and you do not explain the "FOOD' ,,
"ONE inch" no child would swallow that ,,,
What to do ???
Take it back and SEE the Manager NOT a clerk..
Instead of taking it back to the store from which you purchased it...I would contact the company on line. I would let the store know about it...but contacting the manufacturer directly is probably the only way to get it taken care of seriously.