Whats your favorite spice or herb?!
Answers: I like parsley
crushed red pepper
Cayenne pepper. It's the only hot spice that speeds up your metabolism without raising your heart rate. I think it's low in capsicum too, so you don't have to worry as much about getting it in your eyes and having them burning for days.
I like pot.
Ginkgo biloba
cinnamon and basil
Ginger, garlic and basil. All have to be fresh, not dried powered or salted.
Italian seasoning I use it on alot of food.
95% of everythink I make has garlic and onions in it..so i have to say GARLIC.
cracked pepper or basil
and garlic, but I don't really think of that as an herb or spice. I think of herbs as more the leafy parts of the plant.
ADD: Cilantro too!
taragon, and cilantro