When you have a cup of tea or coffee do you always have a biscuit with it?!
Answers: I normally do.
I used to, with coffee (I don't like tea), nearly always. Recently, though, I've started having slices of cheese (edam), instead. It's a surprisingly tasty combination.
Yes I do
No. A cigarette.
nope - i dont drink either!
noooo! im only 21! he he
not always
I usually do, but late night cuppas i dont have biscuits
Are you autistic? You ask loads of trivial questions.
yes because it taste sweet after the coffee
Not always sometimes its nice to though. I really want a cuppa now thou!
no not all the time but if theres some in my house then i do! lol!
Yes always - a chocolate cookie or custard cream lol
Depends if there are any biscuits in the staffroom at work when it's my tea break!
Nope, never!
Not always or I would be the size of a house, as I drink a lot of tea
depends on what kind of mood I'm in and what time of day I'm having it.
Yes, almost always.
no as ive never drank tea or coffee in my 55 years i drink cola
Most of the time i have a glazed donut with mine!
No! I try to keep slim (fail miserably) so I NEVER buy them, and then I can't be tempted!
Mmmm, Malted Milk, or Ginger Nuts!!
No very rare but it is nice when you go out
Not always. I would go through about a hundred chocolate Hob Nobs a day if I did that.
no i never have biscuit`s with it................