Do you have a Ding-Dong?!
Answers: Do they still sell "Ding-Dong" snack cakes and should they change the name to something less cockish?
I have some in my desk right now!, so does that make me a ding-dong too?
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew u sicko :p
those things are disgusting....processed sugar going down your throat....X_X
it's king don. I don't know how that is less cockish, but that is what it is called.
yea i think they do, but those(the cakes) are disgusting
How bout ewwww?!?
youre sickk*
Never thought of a ding-dong being phallic. It sounds like you might have "ding-dongs" on the brain.
Yeah, why are they even called that?... What kind of brilliant advertiser came up with that hahah
Yes, they do. And I would refer to a "ding-dong" as someone with the I.Q. of - perhaps - YOU!