How many times when you drinking coffee?!
Answers: Well for me 2 or 3 times
a Lot
0, in my life
Once a day, just in the morning together with breakfast. I would wake up in the middle of the night if I drink at night.
One or two, I never seem to drink all of them before there cold, then they get the old heave throw.
only when im sleepy ..
3 to 4 times, in my friend's coffee plantation, processed in his own factory!
I dont really understand what your asking?? How times what when im drinking coffee?
Only 1
How many times what? I've done some things quite a few times when "I drinking coffee"-some things I have never done whilst drinking coffee-a few things I've tried doing when "I drinking coffee" but it ended up poorly due to that whole hot liquid burns thing.
Please, people, strive for coherency!
I have no idea what the question is.... please try again.... or better yet, don't!
twice a day
average of once a week.
umm.. wel i usually drink some in the morning and somtimes after school if it's cold out! :)
I own a coffee shop so about once an hour thats eight per day is that bad
...oh i have just drank 2 cans of red bull as well
Once or twice a day. <*-*>
Not sure what you're asking here.....????