I like to eat Gummy candies,do you?!
Answers: When I get started I can't stop.
i love gummy candies i con eat them all day
me to i like gummy eel gummy fish gummy bears gummy whatever i just love to eat it
Aww, yeah!
They are delicious!!
You have great taste in candy
Do I?.... "Like" isn't the word I wold use to describe it... its an addiction!!!! Gummy worms, Gummy Bears, and Everything else Gummy are just to good to be legal! ^_^
only a few... they give me a stomach-ache!
Nope, sorry! They all have gelatin and i can't have any of that! But the ones w/o gelatin are great!
omg, my all time favorite candies, i think i could live off those,i'm staring at some right now, but i can't eat sugar till thanks giving skfaksjdfkjsdfjsafkjsadkjfsjfakjdfasjkds !!!!!!!!!, but yes, i love gummies, i can see why you can't stop eating them