If you had no liquids or beverage whatsoever , would you rather..a.Eat a whole box of large sized unsweetened?!
Just curious...........
Answers: Shredded Wheat, or....b.Eat three cans of Salt n' Vinegar flavored Pringles?
Just curious...........
Shredded wheat because they would contain less salt keeping the need for drink away. Why? do you need to stock up on carrot juice. Tell Granny to start chopping them carrots with her nose and get her wellies on for some juicing.
MMMM bring on them pringles
A because then I wouldn't get thirsty.
shredded wheat
Pringles. But i don't think i'll be able to survive without water though.
shredded wheat....i'd say the pringles would be dangerous without a tasty beverage....sodium=SATAN
pringles because if im in that situation who cares about your health junkfoods the way to go
i wouldnt eat both but if i had to i would choose A, but hopefully i would never have to choose both of them
shredded wheat better for you.
i think pringles, but they're bad for you haha
No liquids whatsoever? Not even alittle water for [_]? [_]? ?
How would I ever survive ? Well at least I would have my LARGE SIZE UNSWEETENED SHREDDED WHEAT !
Glad to see you are Just Curious~~~
Without a doubt; the salt and vinegar chips as they're my favorite; but i would most def ;have to get something to drink; as they are so salty' and i get thirsty real fast,,,,,,,,,,