Sudden Spicy Food Craving?!
Answers: I am 37 and I have suddenly developed a craving for spicy foods. I could never stand the burn of spciy foods before and never ate them. Now I crave them quite frequently and they are barely bringing tears to my eyes. The more the better! It wasn't like I worked my way up to them - I never ate them! I am not preganant. Any thoughts? (I'm not complaining, just think it's strange!)
Sounds like your mouth is growing up! Personally I have chili in my veins! Capsicum, the active ingredient in hot peppers, produces Endorphins!
Pretty soon you'll be carrying a little jar of Cayenne with you, eh?
Your probably lacking in a certain vitamin. Most peppers contain vitamin c.
Theres nothing wrong with it though. Think of it as a good thing.