Does it bother you if you go into a food shop for a sarnie and they dont wear gloves? I dont mean woollen ones!
This obsession with cleanliness (to extremes) is reducing our tolerance to infection. Our grandparents (and parents even) did not bother with such extremes of cleanliness and consequently built resistance to germs
Answers: Another case of health and safety gone mad. Clean hands are less likely to spread germs than grubby plastic gloves. Pre prepared sandwiches should be handled with tongs.
This obsession with cleanliness (to extremes) is reducing our tolerance to infection. Our grandparents (and parents even) did not bother with such extremes of cleanliness and consequently built resistance to germs
only if they dont wash them cant always wear gloves.
If the sandwich is pre packed then no. But if they are making it for me there and then YES I do bother and will tell them.
And there should always be someone at the till who doesn't touch the food at all
Yeah that would bother me, although with pre-packed sandwiches they're probably worse as you don't know who prepared them. Make your own!
Yes, especially as some people go to the toilet without washing their hands also they are handling money which is full of germs.
They should always wear gloves
no cause alf the gloves r dirty as long as the the person isnt handling the cash and doing the food no problemo
I've worked at the same place for the last 5 yrs and so I'v gone to the same butty shop mostly every day.
The same woman has served me and made my butty's and she has never worn gloves - I'v never thought about it befor til I read this question!!
I cant stand it. They handle the smelly dirty money and then make you a sandwich. I feel like telling them to take it back. Surely it must be against health and safety or hygiene standards.
no and i think woollen is a funny word :]
How much protection do you think you need? Do you wear gloves when making a sandwich at home? Do you wash your hands after opening the fridge door? How often to you sterilise your fridge/worktops/cutlery? What do you think is living in your mouth?
You can pick up so many germs from so many different places it's not worth worrying about, and your body is more than capable of fighting just about anything you ingest, the first thing it encounters is a great big pot of acid.
It's just this kind of attitude that is weakening childrens immune systems, advertising sprays that kill 99.9% of germs are playing to your fears. Most germs associated with foods rarely kill people in fact I would suggest that if you apply the old saying "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" is reasonable for food preparation.
I agree that there is a little hypersensitivity to germs these days, but after doing food safety research, I worry a bit, too. One of the previous posters is right that it's more about the cleanliness than the gloves--though some gloves have antimicrobial properties. If that person handles cash (with gloves or without) and then handles your food, you could be getting germs from whoever gave that person the cash...and so on.
I think the gloves should be standard, though, because they remind the person wearing them what they're there for. I've never seen someone handle money or go to the restroom with gloves, so I'm hopeful that the only thing gloved hands have touched is the food. With bare hands, my imagination runs wild!
Tessa Somers
No, what bothers me is the same person or other people behind the counter who prepares the food bringing their hands to their face or hair, handling money, coughing (in plain view of customers), blowing their nose without washing hands -- obviously ignorant of basic health and hygiene rules. Then my imagination goes wild because I can imagine that they also don't wash after using the john.
It would be more reassuring than gloves being worn, if I see a sink in the counter area and the counter people frequently and appropriately washing their hands.
I can just picture all those Americans out there trying to figure out what a sarnie & a butty is! If you have the same health restrictions as we do in Australia, they are'nt allowed to touch food with bare hands.Report the hoons!