Help! What do I do with the rest of the lasagna??!
So now it is all heated up after an hour in the oven, and I only ate a small piece.
With the rest of it, should I stick it in the fridge or put it in the freezer? I plan on eating it throughout the rest of the week.
Answers: I bought one of those frozen lasagna dishes, but its only for me so I can't eat the whole thing. It was so frozen that I couldn't portion it before putting it in the oven.
So now it is all heated up after an hour in the oven, and I only ate a small piece.
With the rest of it, should I stick it in the fridge or put it in the freezer? I plan on eating it throughout the rest of the week.
put it in the fridge for the next few servings, then put the rest in the freezer, so you can have that anytime!
Put the leftovers in some Tupperware and place it in the fridge. Should be good for about 5-7 days.
you should give it to a homeless guy. that'll make him very happy.
cut the lasagna into portions for your self and individually wrap them in plastic wrap, put the lasagna slices in the freezer and re-heat them in the oven or microwave when your ready to eat it, it's a great last minute, lazy day meal, i do thing like that all the time
Put what you'll eat within the next three days in the fridge and then freeze the rest in individual portions. When you reheat the refrigerated ones, heat them in the microwave on medium heat or you'll be recooking it when you just want to reheat it. As for the frozen ones, defrost them in the fridge and then microwave them the same way.
Fridge, if you freeze it and reheat it too many times the texture will be changed.
Hm.. I usually stick it back in the freezer and make the smaller potions later (even though I don't know if this is the greatest way to preserve the quality of the food), but sinceyou plan on eating it throughout the rest of the week, the fridge is a good option, since there's no danger of it becoming spoiled and forgotten.
I lay a Big square of it in a Frying pan
Slice it into small squares with a spatula
add 1 - 2 tabls. Water ... Cover & Slow simmer
for about 10 min. on the Lowest temp of the Burner.
fridge and have a mini dinner party-make a salad and have come friends over tomorrow!
can I have a pieace- I am now hungry all of a sudden
No don't refreeze it ! just put it in the fridge and reheat each portion when you are ready to eat it. Don't reheat the whole thing just what you are going to eat.
Well put it in small air tight bowls and store them in the frig and that way you will only eat from one and the rest is still there. ALso make sure the lasagna is cold before you put it in the frig or it could mold faster.