Cooking help please????!
Answers: I have just made a fruite salad at schol for the first time but now we have homework on health and hygine i thought the reasons were the same thing but there not.please can you help me.
Fruit salad helps you with both. It can contain all groups of protein, veggies, and of course fruit which is very healthy for the body. It also gives you energy, helps your body inside to keep itself going. Hygiene is very important. You need to keep your work space, hands,etc...clean from germs. You can eat all of the right foods all day long but if they aren't cleaned and full of germs you will get as if you didn't eat at all or you ate out of a garbage can. Hope this helps.
health is when u feel good
hygine is when u smell good
fruit salad is yummy
What does fruit salad have to do with health and hygiene?
but anyway, health is the conidition your body is in and hygiene is how you take care of your body.
I'm sure you did a great job on the fruit salad. Love it myself. I'm not exactly sure of what you were looking for in your question,but here goes. Health-the general condition of body and mind. You will be studying what foods will keep you healthy also. Hygiene-a condition promoting sanitary practices. You'll learn abt sanitary ways in preparing foods.
Cooking,focuses on food safety,health & hygiene practices. So that is why you are having homework on health & hygiene.