About brusselsprouts...?!
Answers: my boyfriend thinks brusselsprouts are little balls of immature spinach... i say they are their own veggie.... who is right?
They are their own veggie! Spinach? That's random, they don't resemble or taste like spinach...in my opinion.
You are. Brussels sprouts are, more or less, miniature cabbages. They're related to cabbage, brocolli, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and many more.
Spinach is an entirely different species.
They are their own little vegetable though in the family of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, etc.
They are good though.
I know one thing...they smell bad when cooked and the taste is horrible....LOL.My mother made me hate them by making me eat them when I was growing up.I couldn't wait to be old enough to say NO TO BRUSSEL SPROUTS.
Of course they are a genuine veg! They taste a little like cabbage, nothing like spinach whatsoever!
Brussels sprouts
Said to have been cultivated in 16th-century Belgium, Brussels sprouts are a member of the cabbage family and, indeed, resemble tiny cabbage heads. Many rows of sprouts grow on a single long stalk. They range from 1 to 11/2 inches in diameter; the smaller sprouts are more tender. Brussels sprouts are available from late August through March. Buy small bright green sprouts with compact heads. Store unwashed sprouts in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator up to 3 days; longer than that and sprouts will develop a strong flavor. Brussels sprouts, a cruciferous vegetable, are high in vitamins A and C, and are a fair source of iron.
my husband loves these, in 'butter' sauce. I cook cabbage and brussels sprouts with a some cinnamom sprinkled on them. It is suppose to help with the aroma of the veggies.