What's the most number of cups of tea you have had out of one tea bag ?!

Question: I think its 4 for me.

Answers: I think its 4 for me.

3, out of tetley, i make my 8yr old sons first,then mine, then my partners who likes his strong, luckily me and my son like weak milky tea, i only do this when i have ran out of teabags mind,not all the time lol


I made four cups of tea out of one PG Tips tea bag once. Granted, each time the tea got weaker.

I hate not having much money.

sorry....i like my tea strong. 1 bag.....1 cup

If it's nice, strong, or expensive tea I try to use it at least twice and end up going up to 6! By the 6th it's not very good though :(.

only two

One... I was told off once by my mum for using one between two, so I've never done it again lol.

4 for me too the last one looked like gnats pee...

Do you need to borrow a quid?

3 very strong ones.

Can you imagine the archologists in cenutries to come, digging up this artifact, and public dipslaying it like some egyptian palm leaf.

well i only use one for one cup. So i have only drank one cup per bag. Plus it delutes the tea each time if you use it more then once.

just once, and I get the most out of it!

result - industrial strength tea

half a cup, i use 2 to each

By most people's measure of "a cup" it would be 2...but my teacup holds 2 cups of tea...so just one by my standards. Strangely though, I can make 3 quarts of iced tea with 4 standard size bags.

One! I like my tea very strong....

I have a pint mug and leave the tea bag in whilst drinking it, I can usually get a second pint out of the same tea bag - although the tea is quite a lot weaker. BTW - PG Tips is the best.

2. I don't like strong tea. I steep it for 2 mins and then take the bag out. If I save the bag and use it a second time, the tea is weaker but it still has some flavor. I've never been able to get more than that out of it.

Two and a saucer.

i only use one tea bag, i dont drink tea that often, maybe i should start reusing them though as my tea bags at the moment are quite strong, and i hate that!

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