Who remembers ?!
Answers: Who remebers the hard sweets called Spangles? Can you think of any more oldies?
we used to suck them till the circular dents in the middle wore through and see who could suck them till the edge got thinner and thinner but not snap. dunno why we did it cos they used to get really sharp and scratch ur tongue lol
please god bring back cremola foam!
please please please please
i use 2 drink jungle juice all the time, now the only place i can find it is in the ghetto stores. :) oooooH and that 3-2-1 jello! omg that jus gave me tingles!!!
Oooh i used to love Cherry lips and floral gums.
Also the 1p bubble gums- golf balls.
Alpine white candy bars...
Cola Cubes, Highland toffees, cough candy twists (my favourite) uummm..................
Spangles, you always got them in the cheap selection boxes at Christmas...and were left to go soft cos noone liked them in our house! Tutti Fruitis, the little squares of candy. black Jacks and fruit salads, h'penny each.
i don`t know if they still do space dust ummm,and yes i remember spangles
I can remember them well, and what about :
the good old humbug
the good old liquorice stick
aniseed balls
arrowroot sticks
old 1/2 penny lollies
massive wagon wheels
and let us not forget the good old smiths crisps, with the blue bag of salt.
Sherbert Shandies,
Texan Bars,
Aztec Bars,
Frys 5 Centres,
Wispa Gold,
Chelsea Whoppers,
I also loved Spangles too!
yeah, scented violets, lucky lips, and flying saucers, oh and how about liquorice wood
I'm USA never heard of them.
I remember spangles, Texan bars, K P crisps, milk tray bars, frys five centres and pacers!!
I remember Spangles. Who remembers tooty fruities??
Cherrie lips, mo- joes, black jacks, penny wafers, (I always used to ask how much they were). Candy twists, fruit salads, peanut brittle, bon bons, hum bugs, strawberries/custard lemon sherbets, sherbet dips, pear drops torpedoes, all yum yum oh to go in a sweet shop right now
I think they were like tune's we have today, i use to remember big jubbly's all you see now are small jubbly's. there was Callie, a twig that tasted like aniseed, aniseed balls, cough candy,licorice stick and they were always sold in paper bag's.
yes i remember them,and sherbet pips,bazooka joe bubble gum,fruit polos,the drum stick chews were three times the size they are now.fruit salads and blackjacks four a penny,everlasting strip toffee,rainbow drops,mojos also four a penny tasted like peanuts,and the peanut flavoured sweets shaped like a monkey nut and had chopped sweet peanut in the middle.tuttie fruitties.liquorice torpedoes.aniseed balls, space ships.lol now i know i am getting old.
Dainty Toffee's
Toffee Logs
White Chocolate Mice