Why do banana peels turn almost instantaneously brown once peeled?!
Answers: What kind of fast chemical reaction?
The green skin of banana contains a gaseous plant hormone, ethylene, which diffuses into the fruit and hastens the process of ripening. It is yellow when the fruit is ripe and turns black with the production of more and more ethylene. The large number of enzymes of Kreb’s cycle convert citric acid, mallic acid and oxalic acid into glucose in a banana, to make it sweet during the process of ripening. When peeled, the enzymatic reactions ethylene hormone continues.
Exposure to the air.
air reacting with the substance present on banana peels.
Interesting... mine don't turn brown shortly after I peel the banana. At least not while I'm still eating the banana, and then I throw it away immediately. I don't know how quickly it turns once it's tossed.