What is your favorite kindof candy?(chocolate is included)?!
Answers: I have too many to list. I love candy and chocolate!!! Yum Yum.
PB Twix.
Rice crispie treats with peanutbutter on top and anything i feel like decorating it with. like m&m's or licorice or gummies or reeses pb cup or well posibilites are endless !
Bridge mix......
anything with carmel
Almond Joy!
ANYTHING WITH CARAMEL!!!!!(seriously i wouldn't mind if all i had to eat for the rest of my life was caramel chocolates)
i like ALL chocolate and ALL candy! and yes it does effect me by making me crazyer and funnyier
I like Baby Lucas. It is sweet and sour spicy candy. It tastes so good. I'm sort of addicted to it. I shouldn't eat it that much because it has silicone dioxide in it. They sell it at the ice cream trucks.
mostly white chocolate candy Hershey's Cookies n' Cream or Reese peanut butter cups
kit kat,twizzlers,lately rasinets
ferror roche....yum those chocolates are sinfully good
Chocolate carmels are the best ever.
Grape Laffy Taffy
Lindt Lindor Chocolate truffles Yum!
heidi, milka, they are both european milk chocolate
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Nerd ropes, Bit-o-Honeys & Heath bars
anything with walnuts or almonds and dark chocolate.