Is this really werided?!
Answers: U ever drinked from the same bottle as a another person from the opposite sexs is it werid if you don't no that person very well cuz ppl keep telling my that but i think it fine.
I don't think it's weird... But you should be extra careful if you are sharing drinks with people you are not close to.
sometimes i think its weird even if its my own brother...idk y
sometimes and maybe?p
why would you share a drink with someone its gross on weird.
its not healthy, even if the person is not sick you can still get sick from their germs. your most contagious before you have symptoms with most illnesses
I don't know, I've never tried.
I don't want to risk contracting things like meningococcal disease from bacteria in other people's saliva
idk if its really bad but Id watch for stuff like MONO. But If you don't know them well you shouldn't be sharing drinks. It's up to your best judgement
Well, just be careful, once, i knew a person who id that and wasted a coke because the person had chewed tobacco! EWWW
It's not weird but it's a good way to catch a cold, or catch mononucleosis
Yup, it's weird. I would not share my drink with someone I did not know very well. The circumstances would have to be pretty extreme.
Myself...I am against that idea. There are unhealthy transmissions than can occur (such as hepatitis or a number of others). Keep yourself safe.