Do you eat chocolate covered grasshoppers?!
I tried it and it was DDDDDDDDDDDDDELICOUS!!!
MMmm it was so good and crunchy, i can eat them all day. Last time there was one still alive, the poor fella :(
Answers: I just did a project on it. At first i thought it was chocolate shaped grasshoppers but it's real grasshoppers.
I tried it and it was DDDDDDDDDDDDDELICOUS!!!
MMmm it was so good and crunchy, i can eat them all day. Last time there was one still alive, the poor fella :(
no but i'd like to
No :)
I HATE chocolate.
yer sick.
Taco Bell
they are delicious
ive eating, covered, grasshoppers, ants, catapillers, and a few other things, theres stores that sell them in certian areas
No thanks! more protein for you! :)
Yes, and they are pretty good! Heck, even John the Baptist ate grasshoppers, when he was out in the desert, says so in the old testament.
NO but if you put whipped cream on them im in
tastes like chicken.